Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Experiment 2 Write up

Modern Surrealism Try from qaaim goodwin on Vimeo.

I don't know how I feel about the experiment this week because I feel I can do so much more than this. I was trying to get an obvious attempt at showing a message with my concept. I am going to upload some storyboards later today to flesh out my idea. I think this is a great attempt at figuring the mechanics of the animation.


  1. I know you aren't that satisfied but I really like what you have. You have created a great illusion of space. There is also such a moodiness to all of your work. Its very textural and layered. I like the use of color. Like you said, your concept could be pushed a bit more. As far as a short comp goes, this is really successful in using the 3d tools.

  2. damnit, i have to rewrite my whole comment because this computer fucked up. So I'm sorry if this comment isn't as good as the other one, but i'm lazy. So pretty much, I think your visuals are working well and I can't think of much technique-wise you would need to change. I notice that you've redirected your surrealism theme to encompass economy in this project yet I'm unsure what you aim to communicate. I think you may be beginning to with the penny breaking apart, yet it should probably be pushed further.

  3. you have very good animation and strong words/imagery but push it further. try adding more words and symbols for the economy. and remember that surrealism is strange. i want things to be more strange. even if it's just things like a penny melting or an odd representation of an object.
