Monday, September 21, 2009


Commercialism galore from qaaim goodwin on Vimeo.

This was the longest assignment that I have ever worked on but I really liked the outcome. The idea for this came from talking to a few of my animation buddies and my good painting friend. Crazy Bien. The subject matter is something that I should explore a little more because as a designer not only am I affected by it but I am affecting everyone else through my work.


  1. I see the concept in this pretty well. Like some commercial that wants me to go out and shop at this certain store brand. I think maybe there are too many brands posted that I cant zone in on that one I want to shop at. Or maybe they fly off the screen too fast for me to look at. I love the screen tone in the background, gives it a vintage comic feel to it. I almost wish the eyes rotated, drawing me more into them.

  2. this is an extremely strong piece in my opinion. i'd like to see the logos a little longer so i can get a chance to read them quickly. i like the ending as well, especially with the quote. i think the quote should be brought out a bit more either using a close up on it or projecting it towards the audience. i think those words are an important part to your piece. as far as the x-ray vision goggles are concerned, they look wonderful but maybe x-ray goggles should be changed text wise to hypnotizing goggles or something catchier. are you seeing through people and that's your message or are you forcing people to shop with these places?

  3. I really like the color scheme of this one and I like how the background screen presents itself, wiping into the picture. I'm not sure how you did that but I'm thinking you just used two white rectangles which if true, I had never thought of doing. I think there's too much time in between when the logos fly off and then come back. I also think it would be interesting if they enter or re-enter in a different way, maybe so they fly past the camera so they appear a little closer up because I can't really tell what the logos are of.

  4. I like the overall video and the motion you have attributed. I have a hard time seeing what that center island is. I know from seeing you work/talk about it but when viewing today its hard to tell. Also, I don't feel like the logos are shown long enough for me to recognize. I they spun slower or just stayed upright for a sec or two that would help a lot. I like the ending phrase too. For me though, when i think of shopping, I think of fashion designers and overindulgence in things we don't need. These logos are sort of everyday things....gas and cars. That just my own personal idea of that. I guess I just expect to see more extravagant logos when you consider that ending text. Technically everything is very well done and smooth. Lots of action and interest.

  5. I agree with Jessi and Cassie. The piece is strong compositionally, but the only part that doesn't make sense to me is where the logos fly out and then fly back in before I can read what they are. I think either taking that whole part out and just animating them to stop at the bottom where it ends, or having them stop for a couple of seconds where they fly out to the sides would smooth the piece over.

  6. This is working very nicely. The moment about 11 seconds in where the logos line up across the bottom of the frame could have smoother motion. It could even come in at the same time as the "I shop therefore I am" text.

    I think it would tighten the movement and increase the effectivity of everything.
