Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Puppet Tool Test

Eye Guy Dance from qaaim goodwin on Vimeo.

I didn't accomplish much with the puppet tool but I can understand how powerful of a tool it can be when used in the right situation. At this moment I am at a lost for real imagery to convey although I am sure there is a large abundance of it out there. This animation is really simple in an attempt to understand the tool rather than go crazy with it like my fellow peers. I feel sort of out disconnected to the tool though because I prefer animating a character from scene to scene without after effects doing it for me. That is my only gripe about the tool. Other than that I just need to find the time to work on a great animation.


  1. I've been working around you all night and I know you were having some problems so some of my comments you already know about. I would like to see him moving faster to convey the energy of the dance. I know audio isn't a part of the class but this one screams for it. I would like to see his eye blink at some point too. Overall I think that you explored the tool fairly well. I agree with you also about the disconnection with the tool. When I learned about its capabilities I wasn't really eager to try it out.

  2. I'm not quite sure what this has to do with your current concept. It is intriguing to see this eyeball with arms but I want to get a stronger idea of what this means. It seems like you, I, and many others had a hard time using the puppet tool with our imagery, because, yes, it is conducive to characters. In short though, add something to make this tie in with your project so I know why you have an eyeball man in the first place.

  3. Consider altering the speeds of different motions to add weight to his movements. When each part of the body moves at the same speed, there is nothing to accentuate the character's personality. It can be as simple as pushing together and pulling apart keyframes.

  4. Yeah, eyeball man dances really slow. I also miss your color palette and textures, but you said that this was more just an exploration of the tool.

  5. I agree with what everyone is saying. I kept getting this annoying Open GL error that hindered me moving anything.

  6. My timing was off for the very same reason! I had the same error. Everything got blocky and bogged down, then BAM crash. Even when I got it going again it wouldn't ram preview completely.
    Very frustrating. I feel your pain. As for exploring the tool, the Eye Guy works great.
