Monday, October 12, 2009

Mid-Term Concept

My idea for the mid-term dynamic imaging project centers around the self. I want to take viewers on a wild ride into the dark abyss of the subconscious. I am basing majority of my concept off of the writings of Joseph Campbell who points out in mythology that the subconscious mind is represented by water. To represent the viewer when watching this animation I chose the jellyfish because of the different species found in the abyss of the ocean. The very thought of being surrounded by absolute darkness everyday conjures up the feeling of claustrophobia. We begin this journey into our own mind by witnessing a group of jellyfishes coming on screen and interacting with its environment. The next split second we are zooming into the jellyfish and watching how the brain works with these quick bursts of electrons hitting it.

The brain begins to open up and suck us in to it. Inside we witness a lot of nothingness until ink splatters begin to drop on top screen growing larger and larger. Soon black particles are rushing outward towards the screen filling it with complete blackness. Slowly emerging from the darkness are some familiar shapes of a landscape. We now notice that we are floating in a dark cave and we feel trapped because we don't see a way out. Soon words begin to appear illuminating the space that question why we are here and what we are feeling. We try to ignore them but they begin to shift into odds shapes and form imagery that leaves us confused. Why are we thinking these thoughts? We wouldn't normally think this way but we are trapped and don't know anything? Just before we completely lose it a bright flash happens and we are suddenly being sucked forward at warped speed. Before we can gather ourselves we find ourselves outside of the jellyfish wondering what we just saw. The jellyfish begins to swim away quickly.


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