Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Psychoanalysis of Q Rough Cut from qaaim goodwin on Vimeo.

Ok. I know what you are thinking about my project. Why is it different from what I proposed? Well my reasoning for that was it didn't make any sense to me with what I came up with as a concept. It felt kind of rushed and plus it would involve the viewer trying to attach itself to a creature that didn't have human features. My secondary idea to this was to focus on myself as a subject. My revised idea is now to explore my mind and see what is ticking in there. Nothing in the video is really what I think about all the time but it is funny how I try to put imagery to the different parts. This is pulling forth from the first concept of how to show an emotion visually. A great deal of this video is made in Cinema 4D to have a better understanding of the program and the integration it has with After Effects. A great deal of troubleshooting has been done to get to a functional point in the mid-term project. I still have a lot of work to do for this project especially for the individual scenes for the sections. Right now they are incomplete because they are not my final vision....they are sort of place holders so I can see what type of motion I want.


  1. it seems sort of like you have 3 different projects going on here. they all don't seem connected somehow, maybe because the colors and style are different. they all are working well and the motion is nice but they just seem separated and need something to tie them together if you'd like to keep them together or you need to pick one and roll with that. i understand you are exploring your mind but the words to me are bothersome, but then again, text is usually bothersome for me. i feel like if you want to use text, you need to reach in further and pull out some unexpected words, some words that describe the Q we don't know. i want to be surprised and have to think.

  2. You have a lot of 3-D work which I would love to know how you made. It looks a little like a demo reel,I would try and use something to pull it all together. The scenes in the white background hold together for me but the others don't. I think more objects or textures behind some of the main action floating or moving slightly in space behind them would really help to create and environment and space that these objects are floating in. Also, if you plan on using shots with different background colors or ones that don't link together well, use some transition shots like the three rings, but played backwards as if we're zooming out of it.

  3. I like the 3-d animation a lot. I think that because of the complexity of the legibility of the initial text, you should show it a bit longer. It took me a few runs to figure out what it said without assuming. Also, the only way that I'm distinguishing between each of the little emotions or scenes is the text. They all pretty much do the same thing, rotate around and explode. I wish that you would really try and distinguish each of these scenes from one another. Also we see these reoccurring shapes like the bulls eye, what does this mean? Could it be pushed further? Are we even supposed to "get" this? if not your on the right track, if you are trying to convey something specific I might consider pushing some more recognizable forms that we can associate with the words.

  4. The visuals in your project are working. It seems, however, that your use of text beyond the login screen is the weakest point of your composition. The majority of your project is so graphic, that it seems to be indicative of thoughts and ideas beyond mere descriptions. Is this separation of text and visual imagery intentional?

    If not, think about ways you can animate the text to support your concept, much like the "psychoanalysis of q" title.

    Beyond that, the color palette and choice of geometric forms works well with your project. Each object transitions well into the other. If possible, try to differ the geometric forms on screen. It currently seems to move from square to triangle to circle, etc.
